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Humen Bridge

Project Type:Suspension bridge/PPWS, suspension main cables Location Area:Guangdong
Program Description
Humen Bridge is, in a distance from Weiyuan Fort, the first gigantic suspension bridge designed and built by our country herself. It is called “the World First Suspension”, a symbol of Dongguan tourist attractions. The total length is 15.76 km, and the main bridge is 4.6 km, and two-way 6 lanes on the bridge, and the main span is 888 meters. It is well-known for its large span and great difficulty in bridge building without steel hanging. Humen bridge has been built to traffic, connecting Humen and Fanyu crossing the sea. It makes Dongguan as the traffic communication in Guangzhou, Hongkong, the both sides of the Pearl River, Shenzhen, and Zhuhai. The cables are provided by SPCC (Shanghai Pujiang Cable Co., Ltd.) BACK
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