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Three Gorges Xiling Yangtze River Bridge

Project Type:Suspension bridge/PPWS, suspension main cables Location Area:Hubei
Program Description
Xiling Yangtze River is located in the 4.5 kilometers of the upstream of the Three Gorges Dam. It is the first suspension bridge across the Yangtze River. The suspension bridge has single span of 900 meters steel box. The span was listed the first in China, the seventh in the world in the same type of the bridge when just finished. Now it is listed the fifth in China (December in 2006). The total length is 1118.66 meters, and the main span is 900 meters, and the total width is 21 meters, two-way four lines. Normal water lever is 30 meters maximum navigable clearance. The cables are provided by SPCC (Shanghai Pujiang Cable Co., Ltd.) The bridge is, located in the eastern gate of Shantou Harbor and in the sea of Mayu Island, sea-crossing road bridge. The total length is 2500 meters and the main span is 452 meters. It is the first large span suspension bridge in our country. BACK
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