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Siduhe Bridge

Project Type:Suspension bridge/PPWS, suspension main cables Location Area:Hubei
Program Description
Siduhe bridge is 1365 meters long, the main bridge is 1105 meters long and the subgrade is 228.9 meters long. The main span is 900 hundred meters, deck width is 24.5 meters; the pylon height is 118.2 meters on Enshi bank side and 113.6 meters on Yichang bank side, the distance from the pylon top to the valley bottom is 650 meters, which is regarded as the highest suspension bridge. The cables of the bridge were supplied by Shanghai Pujiang Cable Co.,Ltd. This main span of this bridge is 320 meters, it is prestressed reinforced concrete single cable plane cable-stayed bridge. The bridge deck is 33 meters in width, it has 6 driveways and side pavements. The main pylon of the bridge is in single column, the main girder is in triangle box in cross section, which is adopted for the first time in China and it’s successful practice exampled the later adoption promotion. The cables of the bridge were supplied by Shanghai Pujiang Cable Co.,Ltd. The main bridge locates between Jiulongpo ErgongYan and economic development zone on south bank, it is three-span continuous stiffening steel box girder suspension bridge. The main pylon is 163.48 meters in height, the deck width is 35.5 meters, the main span is 600 meters. The designed driving speed on the bridge is 80 km/h. The total investment is 1.6 billion RMB. The cables of the bridge were supplied by Shanghai Pujiang Cable Co.,Ltd. BACK
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