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Hukou Bridge in Jiangxi

Project Type:Stayed-cable bridge/stay cable Location Area:Jiangxi
Program Description
It is a super large cable-stayed bridge on Jiujing railway line(from Jiujiang City to Jingde Town), astrides the Boyang lake, it is called the “No. 1 highway bridge in Jiangxi province”, the total length is 3799 meters, the bridge deck is 27.5 meters wide. The bridged consists of host bridge main hole, host bridge side hole and ramp bridge. It is constructed from Dec, 1997 and finished by June, 2000. The cables of the bridge were manufactured by Shanghai Pujiang Cable Co.,Ltd. The total investment of the bridge is 40 million RMB, it is the first single pylon backless double cable plane cable-stayed bridge every built, it is located on the north bank of Songhuajiang River, it’s overall mouldings consist of leaning pylon and single side double cable plane, it will be a cross-century symbolic building. The cables of the bridge were manufactured by Shanghai Pujiang Cable Co.,Ltd. BACK
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