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Let’s make history together!—an excellent case presentation given in Pavilion of Future in Urban Best Practices area of the expo about the construction of San Francisco-Oakland Bay Bridge

Release Time:2013-11-02
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During “San Francisco Week”, the commemorative activity for the 30th anniversary of San Francisco and Shanghai becoming sister cities, held in Urban Best Practices Area of 2010 Shanghai Expo, Pujiang Cable, as a member of construction team of the wonder project, demonstrated the “pearl necklace”—PPWS (prefabricated parallel wire strands) of main cables provided by our company to the present guests from the U.S. and China. The brief and excellent speech made by Mr. Zhu Jiayu, president of Pujiang Cable, received a warm welcome from the present conference guests, who were deeply impressed by the unique products, innovative technologies and quality service delivered by our company. The world famous San Francisco-Oakland Bay Bridge connects two seismic zones, and with great geographic particularities, it brought enormous challenges in the overall construction work. However, our company fulfilled the task with high quality, fully presenting our comprehensive strength as world biggest manufacturer of main cable strands. The successful construction of San Francisco-Oakland New Bay Bridge will certainly become another milestone for the prosperity and development of our company. We are proud to be a member of the construction team of this wonder project, and are very pleasant to have participated in constructing the “bridge” connecting these two Sino-US sister cities. Picture: San Francisco Mayor issuing Honor Certificate to Mr. Luo Guoqiang, vice president and chief engineer of Pujiang Cable and general manager of the San Francisco-Oakland Bay Bridge project.

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