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Membrane structure of Expo Axis at Shanghai Expo Site was completed

Release Time:2013-11-01
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On August 30, membrane structure of Expo Axis at Shanghai Expo Site was fully completed. Expo Axis, with a brand-new architectural form, is a giant cable-membrane structure with a roof around 840m long and 97m wide that shaped like clouds in the sky. Moreover, in the whole cable-membrane structure are set up 6 conical steel-work “Sun Valleys”, from which natural light can penetrate into the interior space so that day lighting is guaranteed, embodying the concept of environmental protection and energy conservation. Hao Chenjun, Manager of Expo Axis Project Department of Shanghai Mechanized Construction Co., Ltd. under Shanghai Construction Group (SCG) conveyed a compliment to Shanghai Pujiang Cable Co., Ltd for its active cooperation in the detailed alternative design of imported inhaul cables, its accomplishment of special tests on 7mm×409 inhaul cables, and its full performance of contracted tasks of this project. Employees of our company are very pleasant to have contributed to Shanghai Expo.

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